Need to wake up and get going or maybe a quick warmup? Sun salutations Is a fairly basic yoga sequence. I love starting out my morning with variations of sun salutations! It is a great way to wake up & get your blood flowing. There is nothing like morning stretches and your body feeling “open” and lengthened to start your day. I want to share the sequence with you guys because it is a key in my personal practices. I absolutely love sun salutations sequences.
Here goes!
Sun Salutations Sequence
1- Tadasana
2- Urdvha Tadasana
4- Ardha Uttanasana
5- Chatarunga Dundasana
6- Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
7- Adho Mukha Svanasana
8- Ardha Uttanasana
9- Uttanasana
10- Urdvha Tadasana
11- Tadasana
Thank you for practicing with me!
ॐ Kate Virtue
Yogi. Mom. Kate