Here are some great asanas that target & tone your abdominal muscles.
Follow in order and do your best to keep the poses flowing. Feel free to do the full sequence more than once or increase the rep amount as you see fit! For the poses that don’t have a set time or rep amount, you hold for a few deep breaths (start with 2-5). Keep your core muscles engaged for best results. I hope you enjoy this sequence! Contact me with any questions.
ॐ Kate Virtue
1) Plank Pose/ Kumbhakasana (30 seconds+)
2) Chaturanga
3) Up dog Pose/Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
4) Superman Pose/ Viparita Shalabhasana (x5)
5&6) Turbo Dog Variation (x5)
*variation where you transition from down dog to dolphin- think plank walks
7) Easy Pose/Sukhasana
8) Boat Pose/Navasana (x5)
*lay flat between reps.
9) Leg Hug Pose
10) Bridge Pose/Setu Bandha Sarvangasana with pelvic lifts (x5)
11) Legs Up Pose with Corkscrew Variation (x5)
* clock and counterclockwise
12) Corpse Pose/Shavasana to end with meditation!